Thursday, August 4, 2011

Where has the summer gone...

So I have been away from the blog for a while and I'm kinda missing it. I started working at Greg's company for 2 days a week (while the kids are at daycare) to help out in the office....the extra money doesn't hurt either :) While I enjoy talking to adults (well, most of the time) a few days a week I have not been able to dedicate as much time to my crafts as I would like. That should change in a few weeks and I can get some new projects up here (zip-up style lunch bag, pillowcase and more!!). If there is anything that you would like to see tell me. I'm always looking for new ideas and inspiration!! Until next time.....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Finished projects!!

So I finally got around to wearing the skirt I finished....crazy MO weather!! This is soooo comfortable and wrinkle free (the best kind!!) If you would like to attempt this you can go to this link It looks more difficult than it really is. One note that I should have done is practice making the gathered part of the skirt (bottom). Her's was more gathered but I will know for next time :)

I also finished Brenna's Easter Dress. I had a little fight with the zipper but I am super excited with how it turned out and can't wait until she puts it on. I'm afraid to let her try it on because she will throw a fit when I make her take it off!! This is from Butterick B4967 pattern


Happy Crafting!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mug Cozy

I have had requests to make these so I finally got around to it. Super simple to make and so cute!! All you need is a small amount of yarn, 2 buttons and thread + needle, plus the ability to knit!!
Here is my pattern if you would like to try it.....
Yarn of your choice (I used wool because that is what I had on hand)
Sz 8 needles (select needles according to your yarn weight)
2 buttons
Regular sewing thread to match your yarn
Tapestry needle and regular sewing needle

Cast on 11.
Knit 6 rows in Garter stitch.
Knit 3, cast off 2, knit 2, cast off 2, knit 2.
Knit 2, knit through the front and back two times, knit 2, knit through the front and back two times, knit 3 (you should have 11 stitches total)
Knit in Garter stitch until your total length is about 10" (you can double check your length by wrapping cozy around the mug you plan to cover).
Cast off. Sew in tail to edges.
Sew on buttons. And there you have it!!
If you need any help just let me know!!
 Happy Knitting :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

What's for dinner?

Tried another new recipe the other night. I was looking to use up some of the veggies from Co-op and came across this on the Kraft website. It's Parmesan chicken and broccoli pasta for 2. I increased the pasta to 1/2 lb and the chicken to 2 breasts and that made enough for 4 servings. This was a nice, light dinner that Greg and I both enjoyed.

In crafting news, Greg finished my sewing area downstairs this weekend so I have an entire room dedicated to my crafting!! I am sooooo excited! I will now be able to leave my half finished projects out and not have to worry about dirty little hands getting all over everything (plus I will get my buffet back for things like serving!!). I hit up the remnant bin at Joann's the last couple of weekends and have enough different fabrics for Brenna to have plenty of cute outfits this summer. I also found some material for my "pay it forward" projects. I am almost finished with my knitted baby blanket too! I will get my pics uploaded for the projects that are finished this week! Happy Monday!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tasty Dinner

Monday night I made this recipe and it was EXCELLENT!!

I used a leftover grilled chicken breast (to make it even easier!) and got good reviews from the whole family (even Brenna ate it!) I served it with breadsticks and Presto! Easy enough to make on a weeknight and pretty good for you. Enjoy!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

New projects

Finally got to JoAnn's for my fabric and getting ready to sew some new projects.....a pillowcase style dress for Brenna (in Disney Princess no less!), a pillowcase for Judd, and 2 skirts for me (I will post their tutorials when I am finished). I also came across a hanging trash bag for cars today and going to try one of those too (modifying the pattern so it's not so big). Still working on Brenna's Easter dress and my summer dress. Stay tuned for finished products!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Today is the start of the Lenten season and I decided this year that I will give something up. Growing up Catholic this was what we did every year and it was always chocolate and soda. In high school, this caused me to give up soda permanently (not a bad habit to break). When I got married I decided to transfer to Greg's church (UCC) and they do not participate in the giving up of meat on Friday (Thank goodness!!) or something you like. Fast forward to today, I am going to participate in the giving up of something I like (chocolate and eating after 8 pm) and hopefully that will give my body the jumpstart it needs to shed the last of this baby weight :) Updates to come......

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Homemade dishwasher soap

I found a recipe and made some changes on it that worked for me (as I had to work with what I found at my local grocery) and have to say that it has been good so far. It does leave the plastic ware a little dusty so I try to handwash those when possible. I also use vinegar instead of rinse aid and I haven't noticed a difference. So here is the recipe, hope you like it.

1 cup Borax
1 cup washing soda
1/2 cup salt
2 packets Lemonade flavor Koolaid (or whatever brand) OR 1/4 cup citric acid

Mix all in an airtight container and use approx. 1 Tbsp per load.
*You could also add a scoop or two of OxyClean*


So this is my first blog and post. I will be putting up crafts I make, new recipes and mommy questions and answers that I come across. Hope you enjoy!!